Jay Beyond Jewelry: Jay's Musical Mood

The man behind the brand – Jay Landa – is far more than jewelry. He's a stylist. He's a world traveler. He's passionate about equality and human rights. He's a lover of animals (especially his Frenchie Moe). He loves a good vodka martini. And that only scratches the surface.

Summer is music festival season, and we can't help but daydream about being beachside listening to live music. So in this week's edition of Jay Beyond Jewelry, it's all about Jay's musical mood – it changes daily and his taste varies across genres. But we know one thing, he'll always be in the mood for Madonna.

What was your first concert? 

The Outfield in South Padre Island with my bestie Debbie Luther.

Jay's snaps from seeing Culture Club at The Beacon Theatre in 2015

Prince or Freddie Mercury? Why?

Tough decision to make, but I will go with Freddie Mercury. He was a true artist and showman. LOVE his voice, too.

What’s your favorite ’80s jam?

"Lucky-Star" by Madonna

If you could start a band, what kind would it be and what would you name it?

Ha! If I could start a band, it would be a heavy metal band – yep, with big, BIG hair! I would name it Snake Pit. 

Has a song ever made you cry? 

Yes, just recently while watching A Star is Born.


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